Re-enactor Booking Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *AddressHome telephone numberMobile telephone numberPreferred Method of Contact *EmailMessengerTextWe will be sending out a lot of information in the run up to the event. It is important we have the best way of contacting you.Group/Display Name *Approximate number of people in group/party to attendWe understand it might be difficult to say exactly how many people will be attending, but if you can give us an approximation that would appreciated. Numbers can be changed up to the last minute by contacting the organisers.Public Liability Insurance (PLI) *I am a member of an organisation such as AFRA (please give details)I have a group insurance (please give details)I would like to join the Railway Society at £1 per day per personPublic Liability Insurance (PLI) DetailsIf you are registering on behalf of a group, all members of you group must be included in your PLI. If you are a walking display you still need to have relevant PLI. If you do not have your own PLI you can become a temporary member of the Railway Society for the weekend to be covered by their insurance, otherwise you can still attend but you will have to pay for entry and attend as a member of the public. This is a legal requirement.Type of DisplayStatic DisplayPromenade/Walking DisplayEntertainmentBrief Description of DisplaySpace RequiredPlease note this is a small event and most of the space is on hard standing. Whilst we will try to accommodate you, this may not be possible.Additional CommentsWe are very open to hear your thoughts and ideas about new scenarios, new displays and any feedback from previous years’ events if you attended.Submit